meet the photograp[hers]
The talent behind the camera!
erin gunther
[air-in gun-ther]
I’m a Midwest gal blessed with an obnoxious laugh, hair that defies gravity, and a life that’s never short on stories. Behind every fall to the ground laugh, there's a tale of #momlife, margaritas, and learning to live in the moment. From chasing toddlers (mine or otherwise) to those moments where only a good margarita will do, my journey is anything but ordinary. I am an introverted extrovert, which means I thrives among people but treasure my alone time to recharge. The moment I saw my hubby getting his groove on during our third date, I knew life was about to get a whole lot more interesting (I mean, anyone who makes a first impression by streaking has got to be a keeper, right?). Amidst all the fun and chaos, my fierce heart shines brightest, always ready to stand up for my tribe.
andrea keaveney
[awn-dray-uh kee-vuh-nee]
Most of my dialogue is a line from a movie or let’s face it; Seinfeld. The Marvel Universe is my happy place along with any destination that requires a plane to take me there. I have a supportive partner and 3 kiddos that look nothing like me. You can find me at the gym, target or hiding from my kids reading a book. I love modern design with mid-century flair. I have a crush on Audrey Hepburn and I’m a European movie junkie. One of my biggest talents is finding a place to sit. I am fluent in sarcasm and a professional vodka drinker. I love tacos, steak dinners, all things potato and I am a miserable cook.
katie brsan
[kay-tee ber-sahn]
I love my family, my friends, sarcasm, iced coffee, good wine, and nachos....especially the wine and nachos. I'm a mother to four crazy kids and two even crazier dogs, and a wife to the best man I've ever known (aside from my Dad). I love to cook, which was a shock to my mother since I used to burn water. I love trying new son usually hates them, but he hates everything that isn't cheese pizza or salami. I've been donating money religiously to my gym for about five years now....I swear I'll start going on Monday. A vacation to me is slowly strolling through Target or Homegoods, childless, sipping an iced caramel latte...the reality is, I usually have a toddler hanging off the cart begging me for whatever surprise toy she just watched a kid open on YouTube.
Our name comes from our location and the feel of our work. With earthy greens and natural connections; Cedar + Moss Studios is our love letter to the art of capturing moments.
Back in 2020, amidst the whispers of the woods and the laughter of our little ones, we decided to blend our businesses, passions, and dreams into one wild adventure.
We're not just co-workers; we're a family with young ones at our heels and big dreams in our hearts. Merging into one studio was our "watch us conquer the world" moment.
It’s more than just a name; it’s a declaration of our love for the raw, the real, and the beautifully imperfect moments we capture through our lenses.
Say hello to the place where every shutter click tells a story, where natural tones paint our world, and where family, love, and growth weave through everything we do.
We're not just a team; we're dreamers, creators, and your biggest cheerleaders, all rolled into one. Trained + ready to slay with our favorite parts of the job (and sprinkle a bit of spunk and sass for good measure), we're here to craft emotional images that brings your stories to life.
Now, armed with our favorite aspects of the job, an in-house editing wizard, album designer, and team of photographers, growing bigger isn't just a dream—it's our reality.
Every picture we take, every album we design, it's all about pouring our hearts into creating something that speaks volumes of our brand and the powerful bond we share.
Let's create something beautiful together. Because at Cedar + Moss, we're more than a studio. We're a family, taking on the world one stunning image at a time.
our amazing cedar + moss crew
• associate photographer
Meet Sammie - queen of sarcasm, Chipotle enthusiast, and our very own caffeine addict. She's the perfect mix of 'shy at first glance' and 'will out swear a sailor when you get to know her.' It took her hubby a whole school year to upgrade from friend-zone to boyfriend back in the 9th grade - talk about playing hard to get! They've been inseparable since, creating their own little world filled with laughter, chaos, and endless love. With a brilliant boy, a wild little girl, a fluffy four-legged friend, a sassy cat, and two patient beta fish making up their delightful crew, every day is an adventure.
• associate photographer
Brittany runs on all things caffeine and chaos. She is a firm believer that a Red Bull a day keeps the motivation going. Momager to a crazy family of 5 - married to her high school sweetheart (cue sappy swooning) and mom to two daughters and son, all of whom equally drive her crazy and fill her heart at the same. Her household also consists if 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 horses - did we mention she loves being busy? She takes almost nothing seriously and pretty much flies by the seat of her pants at all time. There are fewer things she loves more than a good happy hour but a moment of silence is a close second.